Monday, January 25, 2021

Sieg Heil!

Scott Ruble says:

I maintain my expectation that the market will have a correction by the second – third week of February, but what do I know? Logic, common sense, and math do not work since the start of the 20's. We could also see a $10 trillion dollar stimulus package come out and the market goes to 40.000.


One hundred years ago, we saw the start of the roaring 20s saw massive economic growth, recovery after WW1, massive prosperity, the rolling out of automobiles and electricity. Think what the automobile alone did! Gas stations, companies to make road signs, repair shops, and fuzzy dice for the rear view mirror needed to be created.


How Crazy are the 2020s (so far)?


The 2020s have started out as Bizaroo World. It is as if the book 1984 and the movie V for Vendetta merged to create the first of a series.


V for Vendetta


The movie's plot is based on the aftermath of a government created pandemic called “St. Mary's Virus”, which the government weaponized in order to usurp people's freedoms. The book and movie are fiction where the hero wears a Guy Fawkes mask and recreates the “Gunpowder Plot” in order to stop a tyrannical government. I am NOT saying this is what is occurring with the current virus, but the parallels are uncanny. People's freedoms and livelihoods are being taken without choice, and we are anxiously waiting by the mail box for our $600 checks. Once it shows up, we use it to buy Gamestop shares.




Now it is being proposed that people who are afraid of the virus (now that the vaccine is out) are eligible for unemployment benefits. One can extrapolate out other crazy things, like:


Pilots afraid of heights

Pilots with claustrophobia

Porn stars afraid of contracting herpes

Marine biologists with aquaphobia

Dog sitters afraid of being bitten


The majority of people have as valid of fear as those worried about the virus AFTER the “miracle” vaccine is out.


The possibilities are endless as fear compensation are endless. I have a friend who received a medical marijuana license for anxiety. He claimed he was anxious about being caught with pot without a license. The doctor gave it to him.


Real Life Crazy in the 20s.


You have a better chance of being arrested for opening your business to support your employees, than if you burned down someone else's business in anger in the media-created outrage du jour. Politicians tell us that you can't catch the virus rioting in tight areas without masks, but will catch it in a church.


The media and politicians have some end-game they are not letting us in on, but dividing the country to the point of a civil war may be the goal. If it is not the goal, it is certainly a residue.


We are told that masks don't work, but it is mandatory to wear them or face arrest – under what law I have no idea. I need one of those tickets in my collection. Then when things could not be crazier, the guy in charge of determining if you need the vaccine has 4 patents on the thing. Surprisingly, he thinks everyone should have it, even kids who are not affected by the virus. Dogs, fish and pet mice should get the vaccine too, I think!


More Crazy


Gracie Allen, George Clooney, Jason Alexander, Cybil Shepard, Jackie Gleason, and Andy Griffith all never won an Emmy Award. Yet Governor Cuomo will receive one at the end of the month for his portrayal of Henny Penny, while doing the worst job in the country at running his state during the virus.




All of this has happened in the first 13 months of the FREAK SHOW known as the 2020s, and it looks at if things are going to get even more nuts going forward. People are tired. People are social beings who have been forced to isolate, and despite the virus calming down and a vaccine out, more Draconian measures are being implemented. The social, economic and psychological byproduct of these lock downs are destroying people's business and families with a much greater intensity than the virus could. We are now judging each other, instead of helping, by how they wear their mask – above or below the nose. Oh, and those people who refuse to wear masks are the worst. They are almost as bad as 40% of the highly educated doctors who refuse to take the vaccine for some strange reason.


The world is lacking in love and focus, instead plugged in to the censored hate platforms and media who profits from selling fear. When there is not enough fear to sell, they create it. Unlike toilet paper and ammunition, they never have a shortage.




Yet the market is at all-time highs, and runs higher every time it is hinted that more money with be printed and distributed in insane ways.


A massive inflow of capital that has been sitting in cash equivalents because of fear are all running into the market at once, almost like a WHO concert. When the inflows dry up, this will pull back. I said I expect it to occur by mid-February, but it is a guesstimate. We may have STIMULUS 7.0? But it is coming.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

informed Consent vis-à-vis "Anti Vax" -- This MD explains the difference

Dr. Paul Thomas Targeted By Medical Board & Media After Landmark Vaccine Study - Interview - YouTube

Assange pardon could have been Trump’s lasting legacy. He failed to secure a place in history — RT Op-ed

Assange pardon could have been Trump’s lasting legacy. He failed to secure a place in history — RT Op-ed

While the 234 federal judges (including three Supreme Court justices) that he nominated will remain on the bench for years to come, it is striking that not one of them came to his aid in his time of need. Trump appointees to a man or woman refused to entertain his claims that he had been the victim of electoral malfeasance.

Farewell to Critical Thinking and Freedom

ACADEMIC PURGE: Harvard students launch petition to revoke degrees from graduates who support Trump –

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Ron Paul on Facebook Blocking Him and the Move Toward Fascism

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Ron Paul on Facebook Blocking Him and the Move Toward Fascism

Death by Coincidence? • Children's Health Defense

Death by Coincidence? • Children's Health Defense

Poland Moves To Make Censorship By Facebook, Twitter & Other Big Tech Giants Illegal – Collective Evolution

Poland Moves To Make Censorship By Facebook, Twitter & Other Big Tech Giants Illegal – Collective Evolution

How Effective is The Covid-19 Vaccine? – Collective Evolution

How Effective is The Covid-19 Vaccine? – Collective Evolution

At the very least I feel that they have not been diligent, and their position hints at disingenuousness: Pfizer didn’t mention this group of participants in their 92 page report or in their publication in the New England Journal of Medicine. This group was only mentioned in two paragraphs of a 53 page briefing to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) of the FDA submitted December 10, 2020. The FDA, an agency of the department of Health and Human Services that ostensibly serves to protect the public by ensuring the safety of drugs, biological products and medical devices, continues to remain silent around this issue.





Monday, January 18, 2021

California urges stop to 300K vaccines after some fall ill

California urges stop to 300K vaccines after some fall ill

Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast? - YouTube

Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast? - YouTube

Popular Christian commentators Jack & Amir ignite a  Very, very interesting.  What is impressive:  the critical thinking of the responding community, here are some highlights from the nearly 2,000 who were motivated to express themselves among the nearly 100,000 who have seen the youtube;  congratulations to all the independent thinkers here.  They "prove all things" and "discern the spiritis" -- how very admirable.....

Jacqui Brunger
2 days ago
They are saying you need to have a card saying you have had vaccine or you cannot buy sell travel etc

Cacilia Why
2 days ago
They are saying; it has not happened yet. calm down.

Sophia Otto
2 days ago
Amir and Jack, please watch pastor JD Farag "Decision Time" dated 10 January 2021.

Caroline Waters
2 days ago
The vaccine that is coming later is called lucifiern it's a patch that you choose to take on your forehead or hand that can be scanned under a light so you can buy and sell if you have it .not the ones we have now ..but I still wont take this one because of what it could do to our DNA..rather safe look after my body ..not enough safety standards in place that I feel comfortable taking it ...

2 days ago
Luciferin also called luciferase, is a bioluminescent enzyme that will be used to create a pattern or mark on the skin viewable by a smartphone app or other compatible device. It will be used in conjunction with the transdermal microneedle array patch. It will be pressed into the skin and the needles dissolve under the skin within a few minutes.  This technology will be made mainstream news before 2021 is over once the supply chain for these current vaccines break down, mainly due to the necessary ultra cold storage conditions. The patch will not need to be refrigerated to keep its contents viable.

Donald North
2 days ago
This vaccine has no effect on your DNA. Please try to educate yourself on how mRNA works and how our cells will simply make antibodies to the spike protein of the coronavirus!  And luciferase is an enzyme which is responsible for making fireflies flash at night. It has several uses but being the mark of the beast is doubtful.

@Donald North This vaccine can affect your DNA in ways they do not have to reveal to you and I, so for you to discount this out of hand is a little bit presumptuous, don't you think?  I mean if they are going to modify DNA in your brain to affect their end goal, do you think they are going to reveal that to the masses?  And certainly for you to say that it will not do anything to you, I would assume you have no idea what you are talking about, and probably even working for them...  Is that true?  Because I expect you to tell me the truth, just like I would expect them to tell me the truth...

Jake Wall
2 days ago
Anthony patch has great videos about the vaccines and he sais the vaccine will start altering dna ones given a strong 5g signal

2 days ago
Don’t look to justify something that is unnecessary. Pastor J.D Farag is spot on. You guys haven’t brought up one thing regarding safety and the dangers of this vax. And If one cannot buy, sell or trade without the vaccine, what the heck does that say about it in light of scripture?
The beast spoken of in Revelation 13 (not the false prophet) can either refer to a beast as in an animal, AS WELL AS A SMALL BEAST,  AN INVISIBLE BEAST, as in a living virus.

Mr. WOON雲老师
2 days ago
This also means Jesus is coming sooner.... as the AC emerges to establish his throne here on earth, trying to play god and all. Aren't you excited? We are going home soon.

Beatriz Martinez
2 days ago
In a little more than 3 years importation laboratories are planning a second vaccine that they said the final goal is transhumanism,  the new vaccine will be a complete control of human life, absolutely control of every area in our life. And the scientists are openly talking.

Rambling Rose
2 days ago
The devil deceives the shepherd to influence the masses

2 days ago
Amir says "the vaccine has nothing to do with the Mark of the Beast", really ? What about not being able to buy or sell, what about all those restrictions in Israel if you don't get the vaccine? It's  not mark of the beast, BUT it's a FIRST STEP towards it, it's there to control people and get them used to that kind of intrusion in their lives. Besides, what's the point of a vaccine for a mutant virus? People who got Covid earlier in the year are catching the new mutant Covid, it's proven, so vaccines will not stop people catching the mutant either, but they will get the side effects. Plus, I don't want to give more money to big pharma. The vaccine will NOT be effective, it might or might not be dangerous, what's the point?

Jean Allison
2 days ago (edited)
Shocked that Jack says forget about it having human fetal tissue.I think most people know it's not the Mark of the beast but it is used too control us.Itsproven that there has never been a pandemic.Why so much prayer into President Trump when this is far more serious when businesses are collapsing. People are dying from lack of medical care. People dying alone. Social care is desperate.
Suicide rates are up. The list goes

Carol Cole
2 days ago
I KNEW once Amir got ahold of you that he would persuade you that is is “ FINE “ to take this vaccine.  I am disappointed that you aren’t intelligent enough to see that we all KNOW it is not the Mark of the Beast, but that we don’t want baby parts in our vaccines NOR do we want ANY vaccine that changes our DNA.  I really thought that you were smarter than this, and it has damaged my thoughts towards you.

Kathy Jarrett
Kathy Jarrett
2 days ago
I was praying Amir wouldn't brain wash Jack.

Carol Cole
Carol Cole
2 days ago
@Kathy Jarrett .  We are all still like children, Kathy, no matter our age.  Amir is “ top dog “ in the prophecy world and his “ group “ does not DARE disagree with him........or they will be ostracized from the tight knit group.  MY top dog, however, is J.D.  HE has common sense, where seems to lack it.

Judith rundle
Judith rundle
2 days ago
I agree with what you said and I also now questioning where Jack really stands. Listening to them the other night crushed my heart. Until I prayed and God spoke to me keep praying and don’t give up hope

Carol Cole
Carol Cole
2 days ago
@Judith rundle .  Most likely Jack is going to stand where Amir wants him to stand.  See ?  We ARE still like children !  So afraid of going against the group Leader.  I love Amir, just is not good for one person to have so much influence.  Pray.  Pray.

Revelation 13:17-18
King James Version 
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Jon Jameson
1 day ago (edited)
A news headline came up on the local news station recently; they said Mr. Gates is working closely with the CDC to issue Digital ID's for the vaccinated.  These ID's will take the form of QR codes that people can access from their cell phones and they said if you don't have a cell phone they will issue a card with the code on it that you can carry around in your wallet.  All this while they are in development of a quantum dot tag/tattoo which they filed a patent for last year.  This is basically a scannable/readable QR code that goes into the skin to identify your vaccination status: This is and I quote a "cryptocurrency system using body activity data".. but don't believe me, google it for yourself -  patent WO2020060606A1.  You better hope and I mean hope that you're right that this isn't the mark of the beast because from where I sit it sure is shaping up to be.

Jenny Gehring
1 day ago
I think what’s hard for us to wrap our brain around is that Pastor Jack (I do highly respect you and am thankful for you), is how you have been so vocal about masks but not the vaccine?  Personally I just don’t understand how the masks verses the vaccine could be any different but it feels like you are more open to the vaccine.  Maybe I’m wrong, but I’d rather wear a mask then get injected by something we really know nothing about.

Trish Fuerte
2 days ago
In love and thankfulness to both of you for your many good teachings and messages... I must say that it’s very disappointing that either of you would support this and encourage this. If it’s right for you personally to take it to so be it, please don’t push something on the rest of us that should be a personal choice made through prayer and a lot of our own research done. There is a contradiction here and that’s why it seems off. You cannot stand for life and then promote/advocate for something that is used by the slaughter of life. This is a contradiction and cannot stand. If you are for life then you will not support or promote anything that has aborted fetal tissue cell lines in them. Here’s another option, Amir did that interview with 2 of his Christian friends that were for the vaccine and experts in their field. Why not find 2 other Christian experts that are against it and then let people pray about it and make the choice for themselves using both sides of information and data? This one sided push is troubling! You are both very well respected and liked but this aligning with the world on this matter and not showing both sides for people to make those decisions for themselves is very very disheartening! To be very clear... NO ONE is saying that right now at this moment it is the MOTB... that doesn’t mean it won’t be used as such at some point in time... who knows when?!?!  It doesn’t negate the fact that the vaccine itself has a lot of people of this world and Worldly system pushing it. Open your eyes people.... read your Bible ..pray and use discernment!

1 day ago (edited)
We can "backslide"  God doesn't kick us out due to our sin...we "choose" to walk away from God and sin seperates us from God!

blue23 song
2 days ago
What is this? A promo for this mess?? What's wrong with you two?? You're both frauds. Please, brothers and sisters. Do not follow these two. They're leading people astray. Follow Christ  and Christ only.

Krystina Thompson
1 day ago
@IAmWhosoever That's it. I already conditioned my mind. Homeschool and home garden.

DeeDee Turner
2 days ago
So masks bad, shutting down church bad, censorship of all things covid bad, but vaccine not bad? Why would you have the courage to show so many articles just hours before during your church service standing against the horrible things that have happened during the last few months then come to the table about the vaccine and shove all the articles and doctors cautions to the side? Makes one wonder is all!! I suppose the mark is just going to pop up one day out of nowhere the second the antichrist is revealed? Sorry, don't buy it! This is a plan..a deceitful plan of Satan that has been in the works for many many years. So could it become the mark? Why not? And why would anyone not have their antennae up when its clearly stated by many this vaccine could stop you in the future from travel, shopping, working, etc... These two preach how these end times there will be deception and evil and it will continue to increase. They preach it's just around the corner.....any day.  If today we are raptured, could the vaccine be the mark in 3.5 years? I say it's possible.

Janet Brown
2 days ago
There can be, and I’m sure there are, many reasons they are pushing these “Vs”. I WON’T take it, but not because it’s the mark of the beast, because I never believed it was. However as a nurse and someone who has always been watching those who push this stuff, I say do not take it. The fact that they are pushing it, forcing it, threatening to take away freedoms and are now doing me enough reason to run, not walk away. I almost died in 2012 from taking flu “v”. What was in it that my body so savagely reacted to. No thank you. Besides CDC just said the “v” will not prevent getting CV and you still must wear masks and distance. 😳NOPE Keep it!!

Dan bos
2 days ago
This vaccine is a practise test before the real mark of the beast. The vaccine is demonic.

Erin Garcia
2 days ago
It doesn’t matter if it’s the mark, it’s UNTESTED, INEFFECTIVE, EXPERIMENTAL & UNNECESSARY.

J Begbie
2 days ago
This vaccine isn't even a vaccine. Its a gene therapy technology.  They wouldnt be able to pass it to give to people UNLESS they called it a vaccine. Its a technology.

1 day ago
I believe the Quantum Micro-Dot Tattoo is the actual Mark of the Beast. Eventually, you will need the tattoo to prove that you've been vaccinated. It will be required to buy or sell. It uses Luciferace and includes 666 in it's patent. Not long now! We'll be going home very soon!!

2 days ago
I find the level of spiritual immaturity quite astounding.  Every time pastor JD Farag says something, these two get together with their rebuttal and poke at him without ever saying his name. It has happened so many times it is more than obvious it is personal.

Kathleen A Granny Off Her Rocker
2 days ago (edited)
NOT the MARK but NOT HEALTHY  and HIGH RISK of INJURY as many vaccines are ...millions injured by BG vaccines including paralysis , autism, personality disorders, death

Richelle Lee
1 day ago
We are Running the Human Race and it’s about 7.5 years to the finish !  I’m running with Jesus !!! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️

Why EqualsFx
2 days ago (edited)
Yahshua said , take heed...
‘Sorceries’ is  💉PHARMAKEIA 💉 in Greek { revelation 18v23 }
Yahweh’s word should be d reference...🤷🏼

2 days ago
The problem is not that it’s “mark of the beast” or not. The problem is WHO made it and for which purpose? It’s the origin and intention of this whole thing that we have to be wise with, and God gave us a perfect example to follow for this day....see below. 
Outside of us knowing all there is to know about Bill Gates, the best scriptural example I can think of is before they were ever told to BOW DOWN and worship the false god the young men were faced with a smaller decision, not to defile their bodies. See scripture below. Choosing to STAND with this smaller, earlier decision allowed them to stand when the big Day came. As we already know the book of Daniel is very much a foreshadowing of what was to come including the End Times. 
“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel,” - Daniel‬ ‭1:8-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.
Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do: As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.” Therefore, as soon as they heard the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp and all kinds of music, all the nations and peoples of every language fell down and worshiped the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. At this time some astrologers came forward and denounced the Jews. They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “May the king live forever!

and that whoever does not fall down and worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace. But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.” Furious with rage, Nebuchadnezzar summoned Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. So these men were brought before the king, and Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the image of gold I have set up?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. He ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual”
‭‭- Daniel‬ ‭3:1, 4-9, 11-14, 16-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

If you can be trusted with a little you will be trusted with a lot. 
God GAVE us an example to follow for such a time as this.

3 days ago
what if, this is the precursor that if added in a few yrs, you need a 3rd dose or booster and that is the Mark?  Why ID, think about this, flu shots , Pneumonia shots, shingles shots, get us ready for this, today vac, then in a little while, Ok, you have your ID that you have the shot now, they come and say, worship me or you cannot have your shot for vac that you need. Because we have changed your DNA????

Walking by the Spirit Always
2 days ago
Could Revelation 2:10 be in place,  and we get raptured ten days after that dark day for America? Don't know,  but Jesus rose from the grave on the 17th day of the first month.  We just want to fly!

2 days ago
This vaccine isn't the mark, but it is part of the End Times Deception. Revelations says the Great men of the earth (Bill Gates, Leaders, Politicians) deceived the WHOLE WORLD by their sorceries (pharmakaia, drugs, vaccines, pharmaceuticals). America (Babylon) is judged shortly after she deceives the whole world with her pharmakaia. 

"And the sound of harpists and musicians (HOLLYWOOD), of flute players and trumpeters, will never ring out in you again. Nor will any craftsmen of any trade be found in you again, nor the sound of a millstone be heard in you again.  The light of a lamp (Gospel Message/Statue of Liberty Torch) will never shine in you again, and the voices of a bride and bridegroom will never call out in you again. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth (Politicians,Governors), because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery (Pharmakai, drugs, vaccines).” 
(Rev 18:20-23)

Elizabeth Safrany
1 day ago (edited)
At 73 have never taken a flu injection, and not about to take this vaccine. I will trust the Lord, my life is in his hands. No intention of traveling anywhere either. Perth Western Australia.

WO2020060606A1 - Cryptocurrency system using body activity data - Google Patents

WO2020060606A1 - Cryptocurrency system using body activity data - Google Patents

[0006] Systems, methods, and hardware aspects of computer readable storage media are provided herein for a cryptocurrency system using human body activity data.

Worldwide applications
2018  US 2019  WO

Application PCT/US2019/038084 events 
Priority to US16/138,518

Revelation 13:17-18
King James Version 
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Numbering of same is a remarkable "coincidence," ey?

23 die in Norway after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

23 die in Norway after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Drawing Lots with Coronavirus Vaccination

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Drawing Lots with Coronavirus Vaccination

,....six people had allergic reactions after receiving their experimental coronavirus vaccine shots.

In addition, the unused portion of the lot of the vaccine from which the shots came was pulled from distribution. That suggests thinking that there may be something particularly dangerous about that lot.

This gives a whole new meaning to “drawing lots.”

51 adverse reactions reported & 1 person hospitalized in Delhi as India begins world’s largest Covid-19 vaccination program — RT World News

51 adverse reactions reported & 1 person hospitalized in Delhi as India begins world’s largest Covid-19 vaccination program — RT World News

Blasting Bill Gates and claiming Covid vaccine contains Satanic microchips gets Mexican cardinal censored by Facebook — RT World News

Blasting Bill Gates and claiming Covid vaccine contains Satanic microchips gets Mexican cardinal censored by Facebook — RT World News

On John Cheever | Tin House

On John Cheever | Tin House

Then it is dark; it is a night where kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains.”— John Cheever, “A Country Husband”

It is as I know you know, the last line of John Cheever’s short story “The Country Husband”. The first time I read that story, I reached the final sentence and it knocked the breath out of me. So gorgeous, so fabulist, so puzzling. I read and re-read the story, in which Francis Weed survives a plane crash and cannot get his family to care about it. The setting is the suburbs, as only Cheever can depict the suburbs. (“The village hangs, morally and economically, from a thread. But it hangs by its thread in the evening light,” Cheever writes in the same story) My professor in college interpreted the final line for us as a reminder of eternity. But eventually, I came to see the final line as a way to show the reader greatness contrasted against the shallowness that Weed sees as he navigates the world of the story. However, over time its meaning has changed yet again. I now see it as Cheever’s exaltation of life in the suburbs, and as Weed’s personal isolation from that happiness. I suspect that in five or ten years, I will have yet another way to read that sentence, and this is precisely why it is such a great sentence. In tone and style, it is completely opposite of the rest of the story. It forces us to step back and consider its meaning. As a writer, it reminds me not only to consider each word, each sentence, but to take risks when I write.

Ann Hood is the author of the novels, The Knitting Circle and The Red Threadas well as the memoir, Comfort: A Journey through Grief, which was a New York Times Editor’s Choice and chosen as one of the top ten non-fiction books of 2008 by Entertainment Weekly.

Think Twice Before Taking the Covid Vaccination -

Think Twice Before Taking the Covid Vaccination -

He was a very healthy 56 year old, loved by everyone in the community delivered hundreds of healthy babies and worked tireless through the pandemic......

RIP Jim Tilmon

Chicago news broadcaster Jim Tilmon dies at 86 - Chicago Sun-Times

Wonderful tribute to this congenial TV personality and pioneer....

Ah So: This Explains the Secret Services, CIA, MI6, et al

Britain's MI-6 Collaborated With Nazis -

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Perfect Ending, a.k.a. "The Past is Prelude"

Trump refuses to pay Giuliani for failed attempt to overturn election - The Jerusalem Post

Woman suffers whole body convulsions after taking experimental Moderna COVID-19 vaccine –

Woman suffers whole body convulsions after taking experimental Moderna COVID-19 vaccine –

Ann Coulter: Most Disloyal Man in History Finally Finds a Cause Worth Fighting For

Ann Coulter: Most Disloyal Man in History Finally Finds a Cause Worth Fighting For

When No One Was Looking, Dietary Supplements Cured Cancer & Covid-19 - LewRockwell

When No One Was Looking, Dietary Supplements Cured Cancer & Covid-19 - LewRockwell

In a parallel study published in the journal International Immunopharmacology, short-term thymus gland hormone treatment (5 or more days) dramatically reduced survival at the 28-day point but not 60-day mortality, presumably because treatment was not continued.

In recent times it has become evident that T-cells (white blood cells produced in the thymus gland) are superior to antibodies in providing long-term immunity against infectious disease.  T-memory cells not only activate antibodies but are able to “completely suppress viral replication or completely eradicate the virus.”

Thymus gland hormone (thymosin-A1), an approved therapy for infectious diseases and cancer, is posed as “hope out of the box in the COVID-19 disaster.”

A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

Rx Classical Music: Psycho-Acoustic Medicine: Science Behind Sound Healing For Serotonin Production – Collective Evolution

Psycho-Acoustic Medicine: Science Behind Sound Healing For Serotonin Production – Collective Evolution

If your mental health is of concern, try listening to a binaural beat to generate alpha waves between 8 and 14 Hz to produce more serotonin. Another option is to take advantage of music that promotes a relaxed alpha state in the brain such as classical music.

“Mainstream UFO Disclosure” Continues As CIA Releases Thousands of UFO Documents – Collective Evolution

“Mainstream UFO Disclosure” Continues As CIA Releases Thousands of UFO Documents – Collective Evolution

Baseball Great Curt Schilling Says AIG Canceled His Insurance Over his Conservative Beliefs -- Same Company that Got a $182 Billion Bailout from US Taxpayers

Baseball Great Curt Schilling Says AIG Canceled His Insurance Over his Conservative Beliefs -- Same Company that Got a $182 Billion Bailout from US Taxpayers

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Did Giuliani Call For 'Trial By Combat' Before Trump Mob Swarmed Capitol?

Did Giuliani Call For 'Trial By Combat' Before Trump Mob Swarmed Capitol?

In a word, yes.  Not a great idea to toss out this red meat to a fulminating rally that transmogrified into a violent mob.

So is this Good Cop Bad Cop?  Trump and Rudy?

In any case, we can assess as follows:
  • 5 dead, 1 by gunfire
  • Republican reputation tarnished at best, ruined at worst
  • Vilification of the Right, arrests, firings, apologies
All in all, a disaster.

This in place of a strategy to regain national leadership -- a riot.

Across my time in business, occasionally I worked with individuals who more wanted their ego than anything, than what was right, than money.  Narcissism is very powerful, and can possess a person.  Apparently, this is what has taken place in Washington.

Narcissism takes whatever accomplishment an individual has attained and destroys it.

So here we are.

Makes the relative peace and safety of the New Marxism of Biden/Harris seem almost welcome, not to this writer, but will to some.

The USA is going down, the New World Order is rising up......everything is proceeding apace, everything is falling into place.....

Did Trump Tell Supporters to Storm US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?

Did Trump Tell Supporters to Storm US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?

In a word, no.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Sit down, brace yourself, and read this forecast for 2021 and beyond

Forecast 2021 — Chinese Fire Drills With a Side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dressing - LewRockwell

Catholic leader manifests strong faith, courage; a sort of modern day Dietrich Bonhoeffer; is anyone listening?

‘Sold out to Satan’: Viganò unloads on coronavirus ‘pseudo-health regime’ | Opinion | Lifesitenews

This Great Reset, desired by the globalist elite, represents the final revolution with which to create a shapeless and anonymous mass of slaves connected to the internet, confined to the house, threatened by an endless series of pandemics designed by those who already have the miraculous vaccine ready.

Precisely in these days, with the harmony of a plan that seems orchestrated in every detail under a single leadership, the imposition of a vaccine is being theorized by many parties, even before the vaccine’s actual effectiveness is fully known, and even before the vaccine’s possible side-effects may be fully ascertained.

This obligation to receive a vaccine is projected by many to occur alongside the issuance by a “health passport,” so that those who have such a passport may move without limitations, while those who refuse a vaccine would not be able to use means of transport, attend restaurants and visit public places, schools and offices.

That this represents an intolerable violation of the individual’s freedoms does not seem to be a problem: law-makers do not hesitate to sack parliaments to impose their tyrannical norms, knowing that their power exists as long as they obey the Great Reset agenda, endorsed by the international institutions such as the European Union and the UN.

Faced with such a massive and coordinated deployment of forces we remain astonished, bewildered by the impudence of those who are telling us, in essence, that we must silently accept the dictatorship of a faceless power group, because that is how the group has decided.

We are disconcerted by the enslavement of the world Left — and of the Democrats in the United States — to this agenda, which knows no limits, no restraints on its execution, to the point of organizing an electoral coup of such magnitude and gravity as to be horrified.

The manual fraud of duplicate ballots, the votes of deceased people, citizens who discover they have voted a thousand times and employees who tamper with the results by obscuring the windows of the polling stations with cardboard panels, is accompanied by the use of a vote-counting apparatus which is proving not only to be open to fraudulent use, but even to have been designed at the software level to allow the shifting of votes from one candidate to another, based on a complex algorithm.

Interestingly, Joe Biden claims to be a devout Catholic......pungent analysis  ----- please read.

Saturday, January 02, 2021

What is Truth?

Something made me think of the cellist Jacqueline du Pre some days ago. In her 20s, Ms. du Pre stunned the classical world by becoming the preeminent young cellist, hands down.  Tragically, at 28, she was struck with full-blown MS;  subtle symptoms appeared much earlier, but were brushed aside.

At 42, having suffered horribly for 14 years, the beautiful blonde princess of the cello was dead.  

It is an implausible, and so all the more shattering story that never fails to hit home with how fragile this existence is on planet earth.  

I acquired the book Hillary and Jackie by Hillary du Pre (sister) and the DVD as well.  For a while there, I was cruising along, believing everything as presented, why would anyone lie?  But the veracity of the details of the story depends on who is telling them, it appears.

The book and the DVD is a remarkable, no stunning, account of an eccentric family and their  interpersonal relations. As I was reading, I came across this:

John Williams had known Jacqueline du Pré from when they did their homework together over tea as teenagers. When multiple sclerosis established its grip on her, the guitarist and the cellist remained close friends. He saw her grow crazier, more bloated, more tormented - her girlish face fattening, her sight failing, her ears ringing, her thoughts scattering.

By the end, the exuberant young musician who had electrified the nation (her husband, pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim, once wrote of her that she played as if she were composing the music as she went along) sat helplessly in a wheelchair, moon-faced and mute.

In an interview with The Observer , Williams added his voice to the swell of critical distaste over the film Hilary and Jackie , the story of Du Pré's relationship with her older sister, Hilary. Based on the self-regarding memoir by Hilary and her brother Piers, A Genius in the Family , the film depicts an intense and loyal sibling love: a love so unselfish that when Du Pré was in need Hilary gave her everything - including her husband, 'Kiffer' Finzi.

Hilary writes with pervading sentimentality, and claims that she was absolutely central to her sister's tragically shortened life - she developed MS when only 26 and died in 1987.Williams insisted passionately: 'Hilary du Pré should absolutely not be entitled to leave to posterity such a grossly distorted picture of Jackie.' Presenting Du Pré's sexual encounters with Kiffer as an affair enabled by the saintly Hilary was 'sick'.

'By the end it is true Jackie was sick with her terrible illness; sick in her head and her body. But she was never sick like this kind of sick - this is macabre sick,' he said.

Born out by Kiffer's daughter, Clare, who said this is not how things happened:

The memoir's account of the affair with Finzi is rejected by Hilary's daughter, Clare Finzi, who alleges that her father was a serial adulterer who had seduced her emotionally vulnerable aunt in a time of great need to gratify his own ego.

The posthumous allegation of an affair, combined with Hilary's claim to be victimised, inevitably generated a controversy over Jacqueline du Pré's personal life. The film dramatisation Hilary and Jackie, supported by Hilary Finzi, changes the storyline of the memoir on several key factual points, and has been criticised by some for imposing a scandal on Jacqueline's personal life.

Clare Finzi, Hilary's daughter, charged that the film was a "gross misinterpretation which I cannot let go unchallenged.  The film adaptation portrays Jacqueline from Hilary's hostile point of view before moving to a portrayal of events as imagined from Jacqueline's own perspective. The film adaptation contains factually incorrect elements and diverges from the book's account of events, portraying Jacqueline as being predatory and actively planning to seduce her sister's husband. The director, Anand Tucker, defends the film's portrayal of an affair by arguing that extant alternatives amount to canonisation or hagiography, and that he was "deeply moved [by] Hilary's sacrifice". The film and book were also defended for their emotional power and broad authenticity, despite fictional content regarding aspects of Jacqueline's personality and the specifics of events." (Wikipedia)

So, "fictionalized."

This back-and-forth raises an interesting and bigger question:  how does one know what is true?

The Bible says creation was made in seven days, the earth was flooded, Noah & Co. survived, etc.  Others say these are mere allegories, evolution moved things along.

Or Covid, what is the "truth" about Covid?  Statistics, fatalities, etc. Some say they are exaggerated, while many areas are in "lockdown."  A woman was jailed in the UK for her search for the "truth."  Link 

These things matter.  Is the Covid vaccine a prelude to "the mark of the Beast," as many Christians believe?

What is the "truth" about the 2020 election?  Some, many in fact, believe it was stolen, others not.  

The bottom line for this observer is that, with a lot of things, we are fed and dutifully consume a line of information that may or may not be true.  Whether it's about a

  • book
  • person's life
  • vaccine
  • pandemic
  • election

Sometimes we suspect something is awry, other times, not at all.

Whole lotta research must go into this elusive thing called "knowledge," or "insight" or "comprehension."  And even then, one may or may not be sure.  Which shouldn't deter one.

I am starting a new research on the life of Franz Schubert, who similarly to Ms. du Pre, died much, much too young.  A rather sensational and shocking 1989 paper by musicologist Maynard Solomon accused Schubert of heinous crimes against young boys.  Two biographies since (McKay, 1996; Gibbs, 2000) say "not so fast."

Can anyone really know "the truth" about Franz Schubert?

Or about anything, or anyone?

When I was 18 I knew everything about everything.  Since then, I've lost 5% certainty per year.  Tally up all the half-lives, and there is not much left by this time.  Except regarding one thing.

For many, for me, Truth is a Person. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life."  He also said HE was the Resurrection.  Until we see him, which may now be quite soon, as we see the skeins of Bible prophecy are being woven together, as we see 

  • Israel is in the land, a nation there but only since 1948
  • a push towards globalism, world government
  • apostasy of the Church
  • the technology for the mark of the Beast
  • the Abraham Accord as precursor to Dan. 9.27
  • political, financial, economic chaos, i.e., elections, debt, lockdowns, bankruptcies
  • the partnership of the Ez. 38 nations, Russia, Iran, Turkey et al poised to strike
  • An increase in natural disasters

Meanwhile, we continue to investigate all things ("Prove all things"), but mainly look ahead to seeing Truth, who is a Person, face to face.

Everything else has some element of speculation to it, a book, a life, a vaccine, an election.  And, it must be said, the prophecies of the Bible.  We live in a fallen world;  it cannot be otherwise.  But the final outcome is certain.




Postscript.  Over the years, I have made a minor avocation out of tracking down friends and acquaintances from the past.  Often, I was richly rewarded.

However, some were more elusive than others.

I tried for many years to find out what happened to my favorite English professor, John F. Williams, Jr..  I took one course and two independent studies with him.   He had me, and my girlfriend (who became wife) to his home on a cold Sat. night for some warming lasagna, wine and friendship.

From a wise old soul named Carl Gustafson, who was for many years a pastor, and then transitioned to become a musician and composer, I learned many years about the value of "second effort,"  (sometimes it takes 20 or 30 tries) and went back one last time this past week to Ohio State archives to find Prof Williams.  An extremely professional individual, Michelle D., helped me out, and sent me, on her second effort, with regrets, the news I had been seeking.

Just 11 months after I graduated, Prof. Williams, 35, passed away from a sudden illness.  He had a wife and two young sons, and I was hit with a deep sense of regret for his being cut down much, much too soon.

This was 1974, way before there was an "Internet" and instant access to all information about all things.

The mystery solved, but the tragedy was now revealed.

One takes comfort where one can, and so here would be mine:

He told me once, that my writings helped him renew faith in God, which I found remarkable because I searched and found nothing in my writing that would lead one in that direction.  Nevertheless, perhaps God did, in fact, nudge him to a faith that was already percolating in him, in the "one thing leads to another" kind of way.  I was interested to see that in his funeral notice, in lieu of flowers, it was suggested donations be made to the St. Thomas More Center, the Ohio State University.

In any case, the scholar and my friend, John F. Williams, Jr., was an extremely kind person, solicitous, helpful; and sincere to a young student in the extreme, and a believer, and so it is my sincere expectation that we will indeed meet a kingdom where Truth will reign as King.


World Gone Mad

Pelosi Bans ‘Gender’ Terms Mother, Daughter, Father, Son in House Rules

In clause 8(c)(3) of rule XXIII, gendered terms, such as “father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandson, or granddaughter” will be removed.

In their place, terms such as “parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, stepchild, stepsibling, half-sibling, or grandchild” will be used, instead.

Muslim Mayor Of London Sadiq Khan Lights Up The New Year's Eve Sky With Black Lives Matter 'Marxist Fist ' As Part Of The Fireworks Display • Now The End Begins

Muslim Mayor Of London Sadiq Khan Lights Up The New Year's Eve Sky With Black Lives Matter 'Marxist Fist ' As Part Of The Fireworks Display • Now The End Begins

Yet somehow, all of that truth telling is overlooked by the fake news media who tried for 4 years to accuse Donald Trump of “Russian Collusion”, ignoring the fact that Black Lives Matter is founded on Russian ideology. You can’t make this stuff up, people, the truth is stranger than fiction.

Austin Fitts - It's Not a Vaccine; It's an Operating System -

Austin Fitts - It's Not a Vaccine; It's an Operating System -

Now I appreciate why Gates and his colleagues want to call these technologies "vaccines." If they can persuade the body politic that injectible credit cards or injectible surveillance trackers or injectable brain-machine interface nanotechnologies are "vaccines," then they can enjoy the protection of a century or more of legal decisions and laws that support their efforts to mandate what they want to do.

Moderna OS -- "plug and play"

mRNA Platform: Drug Discovery & Development - Moderna

Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.