Monday, June 29, 2015

Beatrayed by Dre? - Bloomberg Business

Beatrayed by Dre? - Bloomberg Business

A remarkably complex and truly operatic business story.  A must read for students of human behavior.

My favorite line from the feature as reading through it I felt this was coming all along:  'The legal provisions at issue aren’t terribly esoteric, and Monster might have a stronger case against its own contract lawyers than it does
against Beats/Apple."

Unfortunately, bad lawyering can be nearly as painful as bad doctoring.  Choose your support team wisely, would be a message here, and maintain active control vs. passive disinterest and "trust."

Stuff happens.  Oh yeah.

I remember my high school law teacher told us:  "if there's ever anything you don't like in a contract, just cross it out...."  If the principal in this story had thought ahead, and done just that, this suit wouldn't exist.

Who wins here?  I'm pretty sure the lawyers will do pretty well......

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