Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The pathetic remnant of the American left

Three days in and Trump has already kept one pledge -

Clearly, the pathetic remnant of the American left has more hate for those who stand up for the working class than they have for those oppressing the working class and those fomenting war. 

Why did the women so quick to march against Trump not march against the Clinton, Bush/Cheney, and Obama regimes for killing, maiming, orphaning, widowing, and dislocating millions of peoples in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Syria?

Answer:  mindless lack of critical thinking, herd instinct, the same kind of impetus that turned Germany into the Nazi state.  The same fuel behind the Political Correctness movement.  Among humans, more fall prey to mindless following than critical thinking.  Critical thinking takes work.  Mindlessness....none at all.

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