Thursday, April 27, 2017

Bob Moriarty - War, Precious Metals, Fate of USA

Bob Moriarty - War, Precious Metals, Mining Stocks

If anybody fires a shot whether it’s the North Koreans, whether it’s the United States, whether it’s the South Koreans, whether it’s Japan, whether it’s China, if anybody fires a shot, it will go nuclear. They war gamed it a number of times and every single time it went nuclear.

Trump came in and said, “I’m going to balance the budget. I’m going to rebuild America. I’m going to make America great.” Promptly hands the military another 54 billion dollars that they don’t need and the military is going after him for more. We are broke. There is no solution to it. There is simply nothing you can do other than to declare bankruptcy.

I predicted many of the things that have happened including the assent of both Sanders and Trump and some reflections on what happens when a country goes into a permanent state of warfare. And basically, you’re either defeated militarily or you bankrupt yourself. It happened to the Spanish. It happened to the Dutch and it happened to the French. It happened to the English. It happened to the Russians. And we act like it’s not going to happen to us. Well, it’s going to. We either get bankrupted or we get defeated militarily.

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