Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Psychiatry in Denial Over Demons - henrymakow.com

Psychiatry in Denial Over Demons - henrymakow.com

Demons also serve in major roles regarding panic attacks, OCD and they will take people already weakened with PTSD and amplify the problem and milk it for all the misery they can. When nightmares happen, you can be assured there is a demon nearby. They play a major role in the various personality disorder clusters.

Those that unfortunately have been raised or in a relationship with a narcissist, a borderline or even a sociopath all note the uncanny ability of these people to be a step ahead in the torment game. Some even call them "demons incarnate" as they have an unfair advantage because they are heavily influenced by demons, demons that know our weaknesses to a molecule.

Dr. Jerry Marzinsky worked for 35 years as a psychiatrist in mental hospitals and prisons in the US. He states that these thoughts happen to all of us sooner or later: "Think about the last time you were strolling along minding your own business and all of a sudden a horrible, disgusting, revolting thought blasted into your mind to do or say something that you would never do or say and were even shocked that you could even have such a thought. This has happened to all of us at one time or another. The first thing we wonder is, "Where did that come from?" It came from an outside source that doesn't belong to us and is not a part of you."

Could you imagine if these thoughts and images were being blasted at you day and night? Most of these disorders can be cured and with the new energy therapies and it can happen pretty quick.

However, sociopaths and narcissists are a different problem because they will never acknowledge they have a problem nor will they ever introspect and look into themselves.

Feature from the RSS news feed at sarkett.com/news.

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