Sunday, February 25, 2018

'We Can't Continue to Run the World': Ron Paul's EXCLUSIVE Interview for Sputnik - Sputnik International

'We Can't Continue to Run the World': Ron Paul's EXCLUSIVE Interview for Sputnik - Sputnik International

"I think the deep state – the people behind the scenes and the shadow government, who control the monetary system, who control our foreign policy and the welfare state, and are connected to the media and the military-industrial complex. – I don't think the presidency is as important as it's made out to be. But everybody talks about it; it's a political thing, and they keep churning the issue and directing everybody to ask 'is Trump a good guy or a bad guy, and are we going to impeach him or what's going to happen', rather than [asking] what kind of philosophy do we have: why do we have this philosophy of welfare-warfare, spend money, run up debt and let the central bank print all that money............."

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