Saturday, February 01, 2020

Laker Theology

Heard on NPR Saturday, February 1, 2020, 7:24 AM, an interviewee speaking on the Laker tribute to their departed hero the night before at the Staples Center, by way of explanation for the public outpouring:

"In my opinion, "Death earns someone a clean slate.""

Trouble is, it's just not so.

Only faith in Jesus Christ affords someone a "clean slate."  (Romans 8, no more condemnation.)  After this life, comes the judgment.  Apparently Kobe had that faith:  his last action before boarding the ill-fated flight was to attend Mass with daughter, Gigi.  Both took communion.

It was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his faith in it, and his (presumed) repentance, that afforded Kobe the "clean slate."

We are all going to have a "helicopter crash" someday, i.e., a curtain rung down on our time on stage, whether early, middle or late.  We need to exit with that "clean slate."  There is only one way.

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