Friday, December 11, 2020

Today's reflections by a market guru, Scott Ruble

 There are a lot of unknowns and unspoken out there, and this “Whack-a-Mole” game we call 2020 will see another head pop up. We are seeing unusual activity with the Chinese and Russian military. Russian is going through the English Channel and China is soaking up sun in the Caribbean. Those who read past the front page or watch news other than MSM Headlines may have noticed all the movement by our military surrounding our shores.

We have a vaccine that is seeing becoming less of a miracle every day. Portland's mayor has sent the police on vacation and given the keys to the city to Antifa. We have politicians in bed with China, knowingly or not. We have the globalist Gate's family complaining that the American made and American paid for vaccine is going to Americans first.

NOT BEING POLITICAL, BUT.........We have 18-19 states joining the Texas lawsuit to overthrow the election fraud (and don't tell me there was no fraud). Biden only won 16.7% of the counties, but with more votes than Obama? RESPECTED University Mathematicians (who tend to lean very left politically) have said there is “a 1 in QUADRILLION chance Biden went from losing every swing state to winning ever swing state when they stopped counting at 1am”.

I am not a bright guy, but do understand scientific notation. That is 15 zeros. The picture shows what one quadrillion looks like if every tiny block is 1 Billion. I guess Biden would have been better off playing Power Ball if this was his lucky day. I would rather have 340 million than be president. He only has 4 homes, but imagine how many he could own if not forced to live on a civil servant pay check! I can stop thinking about “a billion millions”

We have the Joe Biden's brother and son being criminally investigated, but have not discovered (like that takes brains) who “the big guy” is. We have an overbought stock market, but nowhere else to put cash. We have horrible economic numbers and people are fleeing large cities such as Chicago, LA and New York in masses. Many businesses are on the brink while Congress is squabbling over 1,500 per person in relief for F-ing up their lives for a year.

And now these idiots are talking about canceling Christmas? There must be a tree shortage and they want to make sure there are enough for one in each of their homes. Other than that, I am very optimistic.

Don't be discouraged - Sisyphus is almost at the top of the mountain!

The stock market frog is boiling.

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