Wednesday, April 07, 2021

The title is "Confusion": J.L. Lord catgorizes the mountain of bad joujou out there presently; our question is: how does it all resolve?


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. That said.....Knowledge is knowing this market is in a very strong bull market. Wisdom is knowing it is not going to end well (soon).

Thinks about what is going on since the inauguration at the end of January:

  • Bonds have fallen and broken key support levels.
  • China appears to be gearing up to invade Taiwan.
  • Freedom of speech is not only vanishing, it is being harassed. Dr. Michael Burry (BIG SHORT fame) warned us that inflation is creeping and bonds would fall, so the FBI harassed him.
  • It is being told that Biden might cancel the US participation in the 2022 Olympic games.
  • Kaitlin Jenner may be running for governor of California. Anything would be an improvement, but if I criticize the hypocrite Newsom I will be investigated.
  • Dr. Fauci had a “bat research grant” at Wuhan that government agencies are hiding. Coincidentally, he has 4 patents on vaccines for the “bat virus”.
  • 170,000 illegals are flooding the boarders in March alone. It is reported that up to 50% of the people entering are positive for the virus, exacerbating our attempts to curtail the disease. How stupid is it that you can not go about your normal life, but illegals can come here and do so?
  • UBS is predicting 80,000 more retail stores will close their doors within 5 years. They destroy the economy to save people practice is not working. Why can't people with antibodies (naturally or through the “wonder vaccine” go back to life as normal until the next pandemic in a year?
  • Bond yields continue to move as the market lacks confidence in Biden's infrastructure plan where only 5.8% of the money actually goes to infrastructure.
  • Russia is gearing up a huge military exercise along the Ukraine boarder as current political figures are quietly urging for Ukraine to fight Russia.
  • Fifth Ave. landlords are owed 200 million in rent because retailers refuse to pay.
  • We have people not knowing what they are doing but are making money with their Reddit/meme stocks. This, as you know, will always end horribly.
  • Coincidentally, ANOTHER tanker is blocking the Suez canal.
  • As for the meme traders, I want to remind them you don't need knowledge to trade, just like in skydiving, you don't need a parachute to jump once. You do need a parachute to jump twice, though.

I am starting to miss the days where all the news could talk about is Trump being urinated on by two Russian prostitutes. It is surprising that no one in the former KGB would have thought to video recorded it. I have been searching for months, and it is not on Porn Hub.


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