Saturday, April 11, 2020

Moody Radio and Medi-Share Dancin' the Greenback Boogey

Why does Moody Radio keep accepting their advertising dollars?  Why must we listen to their smarmy, oh-so-smug radio spots?  Especially, for some reason, on Saturday mornings.

I reached out to the station manager months ago;  he did not deign to answer, but weeks later had his secretary call me with a total non-response.  Said I should call the companies.  I did.  What a joke.  Maybe easier to break into a Mexican drug cartel, or get the Fed to disclose its true ownership, or Fort Knox to provide an inventory.

Conclusion, as the poet said: 

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time

Beginning and end of the matter: of course, it's what we knew at the outset, it's about the $$$$$$.

Recalls the line from the theme of Suits:  "me and Missy (substitute here "Moody") is so busy, busy makin' money.  All step back, I'm 'bout to dance.....the Greenback Boogey."

As Julie Roys documents about so many "religious" organizations, it's really all about the Benjamins.  The spiritual element is the bait and you are the fish, ladies and gentlemen.....there were money changers in the Temple in the old days, too.

Nothing new under the sun, not fundamentally.

Studies show most bankruptcies come from one devastating medical setback. Medi-Share and its cousins are not insurance thought they imply it is.   Does Moody care?  Does Moody care about anything but cash flow?

You decide.

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