Monday, January 18, 2021

Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast? - YouTube

Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast? - YouTube

Popular Christian commentators Jack & Amir ignite a  Very, very interesting.  What is impressive:  the critical thinking of the responding community, here are some highlights from the nearly 2,000 who were motivated to express themselves among the nearly 100,000 who have seen the youtube;  congratulations to all the independent thinkers here.  They "prove all things" and "discern the spiritis" -- how very admirable.....

Jacqui Brunger
2 days ago
They are saying you need to have a card saying you have had vaccine or you cannot buy sell travel etc

Cacilia Why
2 days ago
They are saying; it has not happened yet. calm down.

Sophia Otto
2 days ago
Amir and Jack, please watch pastor JD Farag "Decision Time" dated 10 January 2021.

Caroline Waters
2 days ago
The vaccine that is coming later is called lucifiern it's a patch that you choose to take on your forehead or hand that can be scanned under a light so you can buy and sell if you have it .not the ones we have now ..but I still wont take this one because of what it could do to our DNA..rather safe look after my body ..not enough safety standards in place that I feel comfortable taking it ...

2 days ago
Luciferin also called luciferase, is a bioluminescent enzyme that will be used to create a pattern or mark on the skin viewable by a smartphone app or other compatible device. It will be used in conjunction with the transdermal microneedle array patch. It will be pressed into the skin and the needles dissolve under the skin within a few minutes.  This technology will be made mainstream news before 2021 is over once the supply chain for these current vaccines break down, mainly due to the necessary ultra cold storage conditions. The patch will not need to be refrigerated to keep its contents viable.

Donald North
2 days ago
This vaccine has no effect on your DNA. Please try to educate yourself on how mRNA works and how our cells will simply make antibodies to the spike protein of the coronavirus!  And luciferase is an enzyme which is responsible for making fireflies flash at night. It has several uses but being the mark of the beast is doubtful.

@Donald North This vaccine can affect your DNA in ways they do not have to reveal to you and I, so for you to discount this out of hand is a little bit presumptuous, don't you think?  I mean if they are going to modify DNA in your brain to affect their end goal, do you think they are going to reveal that to the masses?  And certainly for you to say that it will not do anything to you, I would assume you have no idea what you are talking about, and probably even working for them...  Is that true?  Because I expect you to tell me the truth, just like I would expect them to tell me the truth...

Jake Wall
2 days ago
Anthony patch has great videos about the vaccines and he sais the vaccine will start altering dna ones given a strong 5g signal

2 days ago
Don’t look to justify something that is unnecessary. Pastor J.D Farag is spot on. You guys haven’t brought up one thing regarding safety and the dangers of this vax. And If one cannot buy, sell or trade without the vaccine, what the heck does that say about it in light of scripture?
The beast spoken of in Revelation 13 (not the false prophet) can either refer to a beast as in an animal, AS WELL AS A SMALL BEAST,  AN INVISIBLE BEAST, as in a living virus.

Mr. WOON雲老师
2 days ago
This also means Jesus is coming sooner.... as the AC emerges to establish his throne here on earth, trying to play god and all. Aren't you excited? We are going home soon.

Beatriz Martinez
2 days ago
In a little more than 3 years importation laboratories are planning a second vaccine that they said the final goal is transhumanism,  the new vaccine will be a complete control of human life, absolutely control of every area in our life. And the scientists are openly talking.

Rambling Rose
2 days ago
The devil deceives the shepherd to influence the masses

2 days ago
Amir says "the vaccine has nothing to do with the Mark of the Beast", really ? What about not being able to buy or sell, what about all those restrictions in Israel if you don't get the vaccine? It's  not mark of the beast, BUT it's a FIRST STEP towards it, it's there to control people and get them used to that kind of intrusion in their lives. Besides, what's the point of a vaccine for a mutant virus? People who got Covid earlier in the year are catching the new mutant Covid, it's proven, so vaccines will not stop people catching the mutant either, but they will get the side effects. Plus, I don't want to give more money to big pharma. The vaccine will NOT be effective, it might or might not be dangerous, what's the point?

Jean Allison
2 days ago (edited)
Shocked that Jack says forget about it having human fetal tissue.I think most people know it's not the Mark of the beast but it is used too control us.Itsproven that there has never been a pandemic.Why so much prayer into President Trump when this is far more serious when businesses are collapsing. People are dying from lack of medical care. People dying alone. Social care is desperate.
Suicide rates are up. The list goes

Carol Cole
2 days ago
I KNEW once Amir got ahold of you that he would persuade you that is is “ FINE “ to take this vaccine.  I am disappointed that you aren’t intelligent enough to see that we all KNOW it is not the Mark of the Beast, but that we don’t want baby parts in our vaccines NOR do we want ANY vaccine that changes our DNA.  I really thought that you were smarter than this, and it has damaged my thoughts towards you.

Kathy Jarrett
Kathy Jarrett
2 days ago
I was praying Amir wouldn't brain wash Jack.

Carol Cole
Carol Cole
2 days ago
@Kathy Jarrett .  We are all still like children, Kathy, no matter our age.  Amir is “ top dog “ in the prophecy world and his “ group “ does not DARE disagree with him........or they will be ostracized from the tight knit group.  MY top dog, however, is J.D.  HE has common sense, where seems to lack it.

Judith rundle
Judith rundle
2 days ago
I agree with what you said and I also now questioning where Jack really stands. Listening to them the other night crushed my heart. Until I prayed and God spoke to me keep praying and don’t give up hope

Carol Cole
Carol Cole
2 days ago
@Judith rundle .  Most likely Jack is going to stand where Amir wants him to stand.  See ?  We ARE still like children !  So afraid of going against the group Leader.  I love Amir, just is not good for one person to have so much influence.  Pray.  Pray.

Revelation 13:17-18
King James Version 
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Jon Jameson
1 day ago (edited)
A news headline came up on the local news station recently; they said Mr. Gates is working closely with the CDC to issue Digital ID's for the vaccinated.  These ID's will take the form of QR codes that people can access from their cell phones and they said if you don't have a cell phone they will issue a card with the code on it that you can carry around in your wallet.  All this while they are in development of a quantum dot tag/tattoo which they filed a patent for last year.  This is basically a scannable/readable QR code that goes into the skin to identify your vaccination status: This is and I quote a "cryptocurrency system using body activity data".. but don't believe me, google it for yourself -  patent WO2020060606A1.  You better hope and I mean hope that you're right that this isn't the mark of the beast because from where I sit it sure is shaping up to be.

Jenny Gehring
1 day ago
I think what’s hard for us to wrap our brain around is that Pastor Jack (I do highly respect you and am thankful for you), is how you have been so vocal about masks but not the vaccine?  Personally I just don’t understand how the masks verses the vaccine could be any different but it feels like you are more open to the vaccine.  Maybe I’m wrong, but I’d rather wear a mask then get injected by something we really know nothing about.

Trish Fuerte
2 days ago
In love and thankfulness to both of you for your many good teachings and messages... I must say that it’s very disappointing that either of you would support this and encourage this. If it’s right for you personally to take it to so be it, please don’t push something on the rest of us that should be a personal choice made through prayer and a lot of our own research done. There is a contradiction here and that’s why it seems off. You cannot stand for life and then promote/advocate for something that is used by the slaughter of life. This is a contradiction and cannot stand. If you are for life then you will not support or promote anything that has aborted fetal tissue cell lines in them. Here’s another option, Amir did that interview with 2 of his Christian friends that were for the vaccine and experts in their field. Why not find 2 other Christian experts that are against it and then let people pray about it and make the choice for themselves using both sides of information and data? This one sided push is troubling! You are both very well respected and liked but this aligning with the world on this matter and not showing both sides for people to make those decisions for themselves is very very disheartening! To be very clear... NO ONE is saying that right now at this moment it is the MOTB... that doesn’t mean it won’t be used as such at some point in time... who knows when?!?!  It doesn’t negate the fact that the vaccine itself has a lot of people of this world and Worldly system pushing it. Open your eyes people.... read your Bible ..pray and use discernment!

1 day ago (edited)
We can "backslide"  God doesn't kick us out due to our sin...we "choose" to walk away from God and sin seperates us from God!

blue23 song
2 days ago
What is this? A promo for this mess?? What's wrong with you two?? You're both frauds. Please, brothers and sisters. Do not follow these two. They're leading people astray. Follow Christ  and Christ only.

Krystina Thompson
1 day ago
@IAmWhosoever That's it. I already conditioned my mind. Homeschool and home garden.

DeeDee Turner
2 days ago
So masks bad, shutting down church bad, censorship of all things covid bad, but vaccine not bad? Why would you have the courage to show so many articles just hours before during your church service standing against the horrible things that have happened during the last few months then come to the table about the vaccine and shove all the articles and doctors cautions to the side? Makes one wonder is all!! I suppose the mark is just going to pop up one day out of nowhere the second the antichrist is revealed? Sorry, don't buy it! This is a plan..a deceitful plan of Satan that has been in the works for many many years. So could it become the mark? Why not? And why would anyone not have their antennae up when its clearly stated by many this vaccine could stop you in the future from travel, shopping, working, etc... These two preach how these end times there will be deception and evil and it will continue to increase. They preach it's just around the corner.....any day.  If today we are raptured, could the vaccine be the mark in 3.5 years? I say it's possible.

Janet Brown
2 days ago
There can be, and I’m sure there are, many reasons they are pushing these “Vs”. I WON’T take it, but not because it’s the mark of the beast, because I never believed it was. However as a nurse and someone who has always been watching those who push this stuff, I say do not take it. The fact that they are pushing it, forcing it, threatening to take away freedoms and are now doing me enough reason to run, not walk away. I almost died in 2012 from taking flu “v”. What was in it that my body so savagely reacted to. No thank you. Besides CDC just said the “v” will not prevent getting CV and you still must wear masks and distance. 😳NOPE Keep it!!

Dan bos
2 days ago
This vaccine is a practise test before the real mark of the beast. The vaccine is demonic.

Erin Garcia
2 days ago
It doesn’t matter if it’s the mark, it’s UNTESTED, INEFFECTIVE, EXPERIMENTAL & UNNECESSARY.

J Begbie
2 days ago
This vaccine isn't even a vaccine. Its a gene therapy technology.  They wouldnt be able to pass it to give to people UNLESS they called it a vaccine. Its a technology.

1 day ago
I believe the Quantum Micro-Dot Tattoo is the actual Mark of the Beast. Eventually, you will need the tattoo to prove that you've been vaccinated. It will be required to buy or sell. It uses Luciferace and includes 666 in it's patent. Not long now! We'll be going home very soon!!

2 days ago
I find the level of spiritual immaturity quite astounding.  Every time pastor JD Farag says something, these two get together with their rebuttal and poke at him without ever saying his name. It has happened so many times it is more than obvious it is personal.

Kathleen A Granny Off Her Rocker
2 days ago (edited)
NOT the MARK but NOT HEALTHY  and HIGH RISK of INJURY as many vaccines are ...millions injured by BG vaccines including paralysis , autism, personality disorders, death

Richelle Lee
1 day ago
We are Running the Human Race and it’s about 7.5 years to the finish !  I’m running with Jesus !!! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️

Why EqualsFx
2 days ago (edited)
Yahshua said , take heed...
‘Sorceries’ is  💉PHARMAKEIA 💉 in Greek { revelation 18v23 }
Yahweh’s word should be d reference...🤷🏼

2 days ago
The problem is not that it’s “mark of the beast” or not. The problem is WHO made it and for which purpose? It’s the origin and intention of this whole thing that we have to be wise with, and God gave us a perfect example to follow for this day....see below. 
Outside of us knowing all there is to know about Bill Gates, the best scriptural example I can think of is before they were ever told to BOW DOWN and worship the false god the young men were faced with a smaller decision, not to defile their bodies. See scripture below. Choosing to STAND with this smaller, earlier decision allowed them to stand when the big Day came. As we already know the book of Daniel is very much a foreshadowing of what was to come including the End Times. 
“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel,” - Daniel‬ ‭1:8-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.
Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do: As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.” Therefore, as soon as they heard the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp and all kinds of music, all the nations and peoples of every language fell down and worshiped the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. At this time some astrologers came forward and denounced the Jews. They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “May the king live forever!

and that whoever does not fall down and worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace. But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.” Furious with rage, Nebuchadnezzar summoned Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. So these men were brought before the king, and Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the image of gold I have set up?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. He ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual”
‭‭- Daniel‬ ‭3:1, 4-9, 11-14, 16-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

If you can be trusted with a little you will be trusted with a lot. 
God GAVE us an example to follow for such a time as this.

3 days ago
what if, this is the precursor that if added in a few yrs, you need a 3rd dose or booster and that is the Mark?  Why ID, think about this, flu shots , Pneumonia shots, shingles shots, get us ready for this, today vac, then in a little while, Ok, you have your ID that you have the shot now, they come and say, worship me or you cannot have your shot for vac that you need. Because we have changed your DNA????

Walking by the Spirit Always
2 days ago
Could Revelation 2:10 be in place,  and we get raptured ten days after that dark day for America? Don't know,  but Jesus rose from the grave on the 17th day of the first month.  We just want to fly!

2 days ago
This vaccine isn't the mark, but it is part of the End Times Deception. Revelations says the Great men of the earth (Bill Gates, Leaders, Politicians) deceived the WHOLE WORLD by their sorceries (pharmakaia, drugs, vaccines, pharmaceuticals). America (Babylon) is judged shortly after she deceives the whole world with her pharmakaia. 

"And the sound of harpists and musicians (HOLLYWOOD), of flute players and trumpeters, will never ring out in you again. Nor will any craftsmen of any trade be found in you again, nor the sound of a millstone be heard in you again.  The light of a lamp (Gospel Message/Statue of Liberty Torch) will never shine in you again, and the voices of a bride and bridegroom will never call out in you again. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth (Politicians,Governors), because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery (Pharmakai, drugs, vaccines).” 
(Rev 18:20-23)

Elizabeth Safrany
1 day ago (edited)
At 73 have never taken a flu injection, and not about to take this vaccine. I will trust the Lord, my life is in his hands. No intention of traveling anywhere either. Perth Western Australia.

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