Monday, January 25, 2021

Scott Ruble says:

I maintain my expectation that the market will have a correction by the second – third week of February, but what do I know? Logic, common sense, and math do not work since the start of the 20's. We could also see a $10 trillion dollar stimulus package come out and the market goes to 40.000.


One hundred years ago, we saw the start of the roaring 20s saw massive economic growth, recovery after WW1, massive prosperity, the rolling out of automobiles and electricity. Think what the automobile alone did! Gas stations, companies to make road signs, repair shops, and fuzzy dice for the rear view mirror needed to be created.


How Crazy are the 2020s (so far)?


The 2020s have started out as Bizaroo World. It is as if the book 1984 and the movie V for Vendetta merged to create the first of a series.


V for Vendetta


The movie's plot is based on the aftermath of a government created pandemic called “St. Mary's Virus”, which the government weaponized in order to usurp people's freedoms. The book and movie are fiction where the hero wears a Guy Fawkes mask and recreates the “Gunpowder Plot” in order to stop a tyrannical government. I am NOT saying this is what is occurring with the current virus, but the parallels are uncanny. People's freedoms and livelihoods are being taken without choice, and we are anxiously waiting by the mail box for our $600 checks. Once it shows up, we use it to buy Gamestop shares.




Now it is being proposed that people who are afraid of the virus (now that the vaccine is out) are eligible for unemployment benefits. One can extrapolate out other crazy things, like:


Pilots afraid of heights

Pilots with claustrophobia

Porn stars afraid of contracting herpes

Marine biologists with aquaphobia

Dog sitters afraid of being bitten


The majority of people have as valid of fear as those worried about the virus AFTER the “miracle” vaccine is out.


The possibilities are endless as fear compensation are endless. I have a friend who received a medical marijuana license for anxiety. He claimed he was anxious about being caught with pot without a license. The doctor gave it to him.


Real Life Crazy in the 20s.


You have a better chance of being arrested for opening your business to support your employees, than if you burned down someone else's business in anger in the media-created outrage du jour. Politicians tell us that you can't catch the virus rioting in tight areas without masks, but will catch it in a church.


The media and politicians have some end-game they are not letting us in on, but dividing the country to the point of a civil war may be the goal. If it is not the goal, it is certainly a residue.


We are told that masks don't work, but it is mandatory to wear them or face arrest – under what law I have no idea. I need one of those tickets in my collection. Then when things could not be crazier, the guy in charge of determining if you need the vaccine has 4 patents on the thing. Surprisingly, he thinks everyone should have it, even kids who are not affected by the virus. Dogs, fish and pet mice should get the vaccine too, I think!


More Crazy


Gracie Allen, George Clooney, Jason Alexander, Cybil Shepard, Jackie Gleason, and Andy Griffith all never won an Emmy Award. Yet Governor Cuomo will receive one at the end of the month for his portrayal of Henny Penny, while doing the worst job in the country at running his state during the virus.




All of this has happened in the first 13 months of the FREAK SHOW known as the 2020s, and it looks at if things are going to get even more nuts going forward. People are tired. People are social beings who have been forced to isolate, and despite the virus calming down and a vaccine out, more Draconian measures are being implemented. The social, economic and psychological byproduct of these lock downs are destroying people's business and families with a much greater intensity than the virus could. We are now judging each other, instead of helping, by how they wear their mask – above or below the nose. Oh, and those people who refuse to wear masks are the worst. They are almost as bad as 40% of the highly educated doctors who refuse to take the vaccine for some strange reason.


The world is lacking in love and focus, instead plugged in to the censored hate platforms and media who profits from selling fear. When there is not enough fear to sell, they create it. Unlike toilet paper and ammunition, they never have a shortage.




Yet the market is at all-time highs, and runs higher every time it is hinted that more money with be printed and distributed in insane ways.


A massive inflow of capital that has been sitting in cash equivalents because of fear are all running into the market at once, almost like a WHO concert. When the inflows dry up, this will pull back. I said I expect it to occur by mid-February, but it is a guesstimate. We may have STIMULUS 7.0? But it is coming.

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